You are what you eat: fact or fiction?

A deep dive into the relationship between food and skin health.

There’s no doubt that what’s going on in your body and your skin are connected together. Living healthily can make a big difference to how you look and feel - everything from ageing, acne and dry skin right through to skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can all be affected by what you eat.. 

Sometimes taking a more mindful approach, and listening to what your body needs, can help with your wellbeing. Let’s explore the link between what you eat and how your skin’s doing a little deeper. 

Nourishing your skin

When it comes to taking care of yourself, nourishment is important at every single step of the way. That includes your skin. A diet that’s rich in protein, veggies and oils can have some serious effects on the health of your skin; slowing down the ageing process and shaking off skin reactions for a start.

By eating a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients, you’ll usually see the benefits on your skin. If getting everything you need in your daily diet feels tough, try adding in some supplements to help boost your health. Vitamins C, E and K are big news for supporting healthy, glowing skin.


Making sure that you’re drinking enough water every day is necessary for every part of your body. It can totally change your skin too, helping it to glow, banishing dry and dehydrated skin and keeping ageing at bay. Drinking healthy drinks that aren’t just plain water (like green tea) can boost your skin with antioxidants and hydration too.

About 20% of your daily water intake comes from the food you eat, so it’s not just what’s in your glass either. Fruits, veggies and dairy all have a decent amount of water in them so if you stock up on these foods each day, you’ll help your body - and your skin - to stay hydrated. 


Sometimes our skin is the first to tell us when there’s something that our body just isn’t into. Skin sensitivity, rashes and reactions can be a sign that what we’re eating isn’t good for us. If you’re having skin struggles, such as rashes or redness,  you might want to step back and look at your diet or lifestyle, as well as your skincare routine.

Dairy, alcohol and sugar can all have an effect on your skin when it comes to allergies and reactions, but one size definitely doesn’t fit all. If you suspect that something you eat is triggering your skin, then speak to your doctor to get some tests and advice.

Spikes in blood sugar

What you eat and when you eat it can make a big difference to your blood sugar levels. Processed foods, sugary treats, dairy and carbs can cause blood sugar spikes. None of these foods are bad in moderation, but these spikes can affect the hormonal response in your body, leading to skin issues like acne or sensitivity.

Elevated blood sugar levels can even contribute to premature ageing such as sagging skin, collagen damage, skin tags, pigmentation and wrinkles. They can also be responsible for hyperpigmentation, excess oil production and changes to your skin texture too.

Protecting your skin

We’ve all heard of antioxidants in skincare, but did you know that you can boost them in your body through your diet too? Antioxidants help to protect your skin cells from damage from the environment, such as pollution, smoking or chemicals. 

By adding antioxidants into your diet, you can help to defend your skin against damage. Looking to up your antioxidant intake? Try some of these antioxidant-rich foods:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Pecans
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Artichokes
  • Goji berries
  • Raspberries
  • Kale
  • Red cabbage
  • Beans
  • Spinach


Inflamed skin or a puffy face can make you feel self-conscious. It can also lead to skincare concerns like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, where skin inflammation leaves dark spots or pigment changes behind it. A puffy face isn’t just down to genetics or your health. Your lifestyle and diet can play a part too. 

It could actually be down to the fact that your diet doesn’t have enough fat in it or that you’ve consumed too much alcohol or sugar. Essential fatty acids, like omega 3s commonly found in fatty fish, seeds and oils, protect your skin against inflammation. However, too much saturated fat and cholesterol can lead to inflammation and a reduction in collagen production in your skin.

So, are diet and skin linked?

Diet and skin are definitely linked. Countless studies have shown the links between the two and it seems that “you are what you eat” is definitely true when it comes to your skin. A nourishing diet filled with health-boosting ingredients can seriously boost your glow.

At The Glowcery, we know that what you put into and onto your body makes a big difference to the health of your skin. That’s why we created our award-winning range of skinfood, to nourish your skin from the outside in.



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