5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine

By Alice Hartwell for THE GLOWCERY

Spring is upon us, meaning a spring clean of your skincare routine is well overdue. Use this change in seasons as a way to clear out the old and welcome the new. A way to refine your skincare routine and what it means to you. In this blog post, we get into why you should spring clean your skincare routine, 5 ways to refresh and how The Glowcery can give you that spring glow. 

Why you should spring clean your skincare

It's important to have check-ins throughout the year with your skincare routine and stash of products. This helps you to take a deeper look into the skincare products that are working for you, as well as what you could use more of and the new products you want to try. It also ensures you are keeping a check on expired products and clearing out that balm cleanser that has been hiding in the back of your drawer for just a little too long.

5 Ways to spring clean your beauty routine

Spring is the season of rejuvenation and the promise of sunnier, summer days to come. Let's harness this optimism to shed new light on our beauty routines. Here are 5 ways to spring clean your skincare.

1. Recycle your empties

Any spring clean means getting rid of empty products and used-up skincare tubs. If we are honest, we've all got that every-growing stash of empties that we throw in a drawer and pretend isn't there. Well, now they need to go! When disposing of empty skincare products it's important to be as environmentally conscious as possible. Identify the packaging and materials that can be recycled and clean out the tubs and pots of any leftover product residue. This ensures your empties are recycled efficiently and don't contribute to landfill and single-plastic pollution.

2. Clear the out of date products

Skincare, like every beauty product, has a shelf life. This means after a certain amount of time the product is not fit for use and needs to be disposed of. If you continue to use date products, it could be of detriment to your skin. Take this as your sign to throw away that cleanser that has started to smell a lil funky. All skincare products have a marking that states how long you can use the product once it's been opened. Keep a note of how long you have used products and dispose of any that have expired. As per the previous point, always recycle packaging where possible!

3. Organisation is key

Throughout the year, it's easy for skincare drawers and shelves to get messy and disorganised. This makes it harder to find the products you need quickly and easily. After having a good clear out, organise your skincare for easy reach. You could order it to correspond to the steps of your routine, or for the true skin obsessives, consider getting trays or drawer dividers to section out your products. Organised skincare drawer=inner peace restored. 

4. Refresh your routine

When the seasons change, it's always a good idea to consider what your skin will need most in the upcoming months. Weather conditions change throughout the year, ergo, so do our skin's needs. Maybe it's time to move away from those heavy winter moisturisers and opt for a lighter gel moisturiser on warmer spring days? Or perhaps it's time to crack out the higher factor SPF?

5. Stock up on your fav products 

One of the best parts of spring cleaning is finding great products we had forgotten about or have been meaning to repurchase. It's also a great time to check in on skincare products that are nearly running out. Get ahead of the game and buy backups of your favourite products and staples of your skincare routine. 

The Glowcery skincare that helps you step into spring

When spring cleaning your skincare, The Glowcery has the products to make you feel refreshed and revitalised. Take a look below at our favourite spring skincare.


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